‘Take a Schoolcation’ – This Week In Travel Podcast, September 2020
The show that talks to some of the most interesting and notable travelers in the world, as well as providing useful tips and actionable information.
The other big piece of news this week is that Bryson & Connor had their first day of in-person learning at their school yesterday. They were so excited that they woke up much earlier than normal yesterday – it was like Christmas morning around here! We were fourth in line at drop off, that has never happened before. Everything seemed to go well, so hopefully they will get to continue to go two days a week.

Today, I am attending a day full of meetings with ASTA, the American Society of Travel Advisors. This group has our industry’s back and has worked tirelessly during the pandemic to ensure that TAs who are mostly independent contractors are included in the government relief packages. I am sure it will be an enlightening day. I hope your day is enlightening as well!
Keep Dreaming,