How is your new year going so far? I introduced a theme of hygge but things are not hygge at my house right now. My hubby is renovating the master bath, and I have purchased approximately 11 mirror contenders which are piled around our foyer. The Christmas decorations have not come down yet. I’m not Catholic, but I will claim Three Kings Day this year so I feel better about still having all the decorations up!
I have done some business and food planning to start the year off right, but this weekend, I’ll decide on the mirrors and get the house organized. I will also introduce elements of hygge living into our daily life. What is hygge you ask? Hygge is defined like this:
hyg·ge /ˈh(y)o͞oɡə,ˈho͝oɡə/ noun
a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture).
If there was ever a time for Americans to embrace the Danish feeling of hygge, it is now. Think fires, hot drinks, snuggly blankets, warm socks, puzzles, books, candles, puzzles, and more. Anything that makes you want to stay in and get cozy.
One of the things that hygge encourages is self care. I am guilty of putting myself last, even behind my business. I vow to do better in 2021. One way I will encourage myself to focus on self care is by buying some items that will promote hygge in my life. I just got off a call with my friend Cari who owns Salacia Salts which was one of my partners for December’s virtual event kit. We have decided to make our virtual event kits a permanent partnership, and I couldn’t be more excited! I have talked about Cari before. We have traveled the world together, I have worked for her business Salacia Salts which inspired by own entrepreneurial journey, and her creative design company created the Explore More logo. During our call, we developed a business plan and decided on our January hygge kit items. We are going to make the official announcement on social media by the weekend, so keep an eye out for that. Here is a little insider information for you though: the hygge kit will include a candle, a tea, and a bath soak. All items meant to slow you down, look inward, and practice some hygge in 2021. I am working on the virtual event details, and will share that as soon as possible as well!
Another way that I want to take more time for me in 2021 is reading more. Bryson & Connor have really taken to books during the pandemic, and we visit the library 1-2 times per week. I want to be part of that experience, so I have started a book club with a group that I am affiliated with. I wanted to ask if anybody reading this would be interested in forming a second virtual book club? The focus will be on books about travel with the first book being ‘The Year Of Living Danishly’. The first chapter of this book is appropriately named ‘January – Hygge & Home’. Click for more information on The Travel Book Club.